Paris Vacation Apartment, an Apartment with modern room design
An apartment with modern interior design, completed with blue dark color thet will make the room more convenience.
Kirklands Home Decor, your home accessory
House remodeling for Media room as mini home theater
Kitchen remodeling with modular approach
House remodeling on creating basement home theater
Understanding the process of house remodeling
Step 1: Analyze the House Remodeling Numbers
Before starting your home remodeling project, understand the numbers that will be required. Would it be better to buy a new home instead of making a major renovation. Run the analysis
Step 2: View House Remodeling Ideas
What kind of remodeling are you looking to do? What is the architectural layout? What is the overall square footage needed? Use this guide to help formulate ideas.
Step 3: Sketch Your Plans
Now that you have the idea what you want to do, use this step plan to formulate your home remodeling idea into a design plan that can be used to bid the project to a contractor.
Step 4: Find a House Remodeling Contractor
there are several options in finding house remodeling contractor: search contractors , search home builders, search local classified ads, and contract negotiations, this step is the main keys for managing the cost.
Step 5: Arrange Financing
is one of the best financing option for home improvement. A Home Equity Line of Credit lets you finance home improvement and other family needs at minimum cost.
Step 6: Manage Your Project
Remodeling Your Home is not Easy. Expect Frustrations. But with some attention, you can lessen the frustrations and ensure that the remodeling process works smoothly. Review the issues for important home remodeling management.
download this home remodeling pamphlet as a guid.
How to remodel a Dressed-up Laundry Room
considering to get best sound quality of home theater room design
There are few basic things that affect the sound quality of your home theater.
- Room size and design: Sound waves bounce off hard surfaces and resonate throughout the room. A room that is all one size, without variations in wall and ceiling surfaces is going to sound different than a room with walls that stick out and a ceiling that isn't the same height throughout the room.
- Surfaces in the room: Hard surfaces bounce sound waves around, creating an echo, while soft surfaces absorb the sound, making it dull.
- Furnishings: Furniture placement is also important in home theater room design because pieces absorb and effectively block the sound from traveling around the room.
- Sound system placement: There are plenty of theories on sound system placement, but you want to make sure your home theater system speakers aren't blocked by walls or furniture.
Style Living Room Decorating Ideas
There are many ways to decorate your living room. As this is usually the room where a family entertains guests and spends time together, much thought usually goes into the design. Sometimes, however, inspiration is hard to come by. Here are a few living room decorating ideas to help get your creative juices flowing.
1. Determine your design style. Look through home decorating magazines and see what you like. You may have thought that you were a country gal, but find yourself drawn to the clean lines of a modern design. Even if you like both styles, you can mix them to create a style that is your own. You can choose country items that have a more modern edge, and modern design pieces with country flair. This way you can achieve a look that you love without settling on one style.
2. One living room decorating idea that is sure to spice up your space is to choose a bold wall color. Many people shy away from saturated colors, but these are the very hues that can make a dramatic statement about your personality. If you do not want to paint all of the walls in your living room a bold color, you can paint an accent wall. These walls are great to make an impression without overwhelming the room. You can then use accessories to tie the color into the rest of the room.
3. Updating your window treatments will also go a long way towards improving the atmosphere. Choose drapes or curtains that compliment the design style you have chosen for the rest of your room. Using rich looking fabrics on the windows will add a feeling of luxury to your room, and help to bring all of your living room decorating ideas together.
Tech Home Theater Room Design
Japanese Unique Modern Home Interior Design with Ring Concept
Minimalist House Ideas with Rectangular Plates
Minimalist Best Home Interior Design in contemporary room design
Rumah Ponorogo
Di setiap sudut dalam kota Ponorogo masih sangat banyak dijumpai rumah dengan arsitektur khas dan menunjukkan 'kekuatan' ekonomi pada masa tertentu.
Hal ini seperti kita dapat temui di kota Solo, tepatnya, daerah Lawiyan yang banyak terdapat bangunan serupa yang ditopang masa kejayaan batik di Solo. Demikian juga yang terjadi di Ponorogo, mereka menjadi oorang kaya baru - pada jaman itu - juga karena batiknya.
villa miss yanti di sanur
villa miss yanti di bali, tema arsitektur tropis modern by rony architect 085851162000
Feng Shui Desain Interior Warna Cat Rumah yang Cocok dengan Fengshui
Sebagian dari Anda mungkin sangat percaya pada Feng Shui dalam mendesain rumah atau mendekor interior rumah or apartmen Anda.
Adakah hubungannya antara warna cat rumah dengan Feng Shui? Apakah warna yang sebaiknya saya pakai untuk dekorasi rumah di ruang tidur, ruang makan, dapur, ruang keluarga dan ruang kerja
Arsitektur Rumah dengan Desain Minimalis
Berbagai macam desain interior, desain rumah, gambar rumah, tipe rumah minimalis, art deco, klasik dan kontemporer.
Jasa yang kami tawarkan meliputi desain interior, eksterior, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan.
Hampir semua desain yang kami tampilkan adalah jenis desain minimalis, hal ini dikarenakan desain yang marak saat ini adalah desain minimalis, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan kami melayani desain desain rumah yang lain sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan.
Kelebihan desain minimalis dibanding dengan desain yang lain adalah :
1. Desain minimalis sangat cocok untuk rumah dengan lahan yang sempit, dengan permainan tampak, desain minimalis akan menjadikan hunian mungil anda terlihat lebih luas dan lapang.
2. Desain minimalis menggunakan material yang tidak terlalu sukar di dapatkan. Hampir semua material yang di butuhkan bisa langsung di ambil di toko bangunan
3. Desain minimalis relatif lebih cepat di kerjakan oleh tukan, hal ini disebabkan desain minimalis tidak menggunakan terlalu banyak ornamen pada tampak rumah, sehingga akan memudahkan tukang dalam pengerjaannya.
Rumah minimalis
seorang biro arsitektur membuat rumah mungil bergaya minimalis
modern milik ibu fenti di taman kota jakarta barat di desain dan di bangun oleh kami di PT.Magart Kontruksitama, More info: atau 021-73888872
Rumah Indonesia
ARSITEK desain rumah di Indonesia.
Model Rumah yang mengedepankan eco friendly dan menonjolkan sisi sisi positif dunia arsitektur indonesia
Gambar Arsitektur Rumah, Contoh Desain Rumah Tampak Samping Muka dari Anna hape Studio
Ketika tip ini ditulis, saya sedang men-design rumah / design villa dengan kasus yang unik. Bayangkan saya di Jakarta, Klien di Canada, Villa yang di desain di Garut, Jawa Barat. Mbak Olly and Fam, yang tepatnya tinggal di British Columbia Canada, mempercayakan desain rumah mungilnya di Garut kepada kami. Terus terang, kecuali via email kami belum pernah berjumpa langsung. Bagaimana prosesnya?
Keterbatasan jarak, nyatanya tidak menghalangi proses desain dan komunikasi. Nah kali ini saya mau cerita bagaimana proses mendesain (yang belum selesai) berlangsung dengan efektif.
Tanah yang akan dibangun luasnya 200m2, dengan bentuk lahan trapesium. Pemandangan ke arah Barat Laut atau sudut belakang rumah sunggu fantastik yaitu gunung yang menjulang tinggi. Nah pemandangan seperti ini tentu tidak boleh di sia-siakan.
Setelah diskusi (via email) tentunya klien sepakat untuk memakai salah satu lay-out atau denah rumah mungil 2 lantai seluas 130 m2.