Interior design tips: home theater decorating ideas

Advice to help you create the home theater for your house. Introduction to equipment, design and acoustic layout.

Home theaters have quickly become a must-have for practically every family. From the simple family room setup to a much more elaborate stadium-seating wonder, today’s home theaters aren’t just for the wealthy anymore. What makes one home theater stand out from another is much more than just how it’s equipped, it’s also how it looks. The décor of a home theater is conducive to how well the room functions as an entertainment mecca for family and friends as well as how it shows when the lights are up. Creating a warm and inviting home theater is easy to do on any budget. Here are some ideas for creating a theater for all to enjoy.

Interior design

Start with the basics. Paint the walls and ceiling black. For the flooring, choose an easy-to-clean surface or a dark-colored berber carpet. When it comes to lighting, choose recessed lighting and simple wall sconces. Add dimmer switches for a realistic ambiance. If your budget allows, consider building two levels of “stadium seating”. With some sturdy plywood and a few two-by-four blocks of wood, you can elevate one area of seating above another to ensure everyone has a great view.

Speaking of seating, a number of furniture stores now carry theater seating -- the equivalent of two to four recliner chairs linked together with cup-holder armrests. These pieces can be found in a multitude of colors and fabrics, with the most popular being leather and suede fabrics. If you have a smaller space or prefer a more intimate area, purchase two recliners in dark leather or other fabric. A simple end table can serve as a shared table between the two chairs. Drape blankets over each seat and add pillows for the ultimate in comfort.

Ready to accessorize? Old movie posters are a great compliment to any home theater. You can find them at a number of video, craft or art stores. For a larger selection, turn to the Internet where you’re sure to find the large 27x40 poster from your favorite classics. Oversized poster frames are relatively inexpensive and can be picked up at a variety of art, framing or crafts store. Check out a discount fabric store for rich, heavy red velvet that can be used to frame the television screen, to block light from windows or, in lieu of paint to cover the walls. Use excess fabric to create a red carpet path that leads from the door of the room to the seating areas.

No home theater is complete without refreshments. If space allows, install a built-in or freestanding bar. If creating a built-in bar, include a sink and cabinets for storing glassware and miscellaneous kitchen items. A complete home theater bar should include a microwave, mini refrigerator stocked with soda, juices and bottled water and for the nostalgic, an authentic popcorn popper guaranteed to fill your space with inviting aromas.

For the sake of convenience, you can purchase or build a media storage cabinet and/or entertainment system to house your audio/visual components as well as your DVD collection. If possible, choose pieces that are similar in color to your walls so they blend into the room rather than serving as a visual distraction.

Finally, when selecting the focal point of your home theater -- the equipment -- keep in mind that you can easily find speakers that are installed into the walls for a clean, less cumbersome appearance. The exteriors of these in-wall speakers can be painted and treated to blend seamlessly. If a drop-down projection screen isn’t in your budget, a large standard television with surround sound will do nicely. Add a tuner and some speakers for maximum sound quality. A home theater is a fun, relaxing place for families to spend time together as well as to entertain. The décor of the room should be about comfort and subtly allowing you to enjoy favorite movies or programs in the welcoming retreat of your own home.