Home Decoration Design - Indoor Lighting

Home Decoration Design - Indoor LightingHome Decoration Design - Indoor Lighting

Factors lighting of the lamp fitting nor forgotten. Light there are only two, namely yellow and white. White light from fluorescent lights, for example, more to give the impression of cold, formal, and not natural. The yellow color is more impressive warm, fresh, natural, and romantic.

Meanwhile, the glass which limits the room in the house with any outside influence that caused the impression outlook. The presence of glass enables us to see out. This is, psychologically, giving the impression that the room was vast.

In addition, the glass can make the sun into the room. Shades of the room if the light can flow freely into the sun and gaze out into the yard.
Vertical elements and blocking too much to separate one room to another can also give the impression of rigid and narrow. Vertical elements should avoid too much of this. Small credenza sideboard or sofa or even the media can be used as a room divider.

If we have a small house, you should also select the furniture as a cool and simple. Selected furniture has also recommended a close color color of the walls so that no weight and narrow impressed.

Dark colors tend to be impressed with our approach that leads the room look more narrow. Natural elements, such as trees and flowers, can also be added to provide freshness to the room.