Interior Design Technology

Interior DesignThe strength of commercial interior design lies in the materials. What makes a workplace or a piece of furniture appealing and attractive is the marriage of different materials. The challenge is to combine different materials, to make it work, and eventually make a bold statement. The choice of materials is of utmost importance in commercial interior design. By incorporating the latest technology, you can see what you will get as an end product.

The extensive use of computer design systems in commercial interior design is fairly new. Today, thanks to the advances in technology, designing interiors and changing floor plans are instantaneous. Most commercial interior designers use advanced data and communication technologies at the initial phase of a project, but now, even at the later stages, these technologies are used to visualize their ideas and communicate them clearly to their clients. Computer design systems have become an integral part of commercial interior design, making the work of architects and designers much easier and fault free. Computerization helped them to serve their clients better, saving time, and money. Not only are the drawings more sophisticated, but the computers now calculate the cost as they draw, making them near fault-less.

Software such as AutoCAD, with its robust modeling capabilities enables commercial interior designers and architects to shape and visualize their ideas unlike ever before. According to AutoDESK, the redesigned interface of AutoCAD uses a single, easy-to-learn environment for creating both solids and surfaces. Designers can even create solid objects that have faces defined by complex surfaces. Applying materials to a model is a simple task. Just drag materials from a predefined library onto any solid face or surface defined in their model.Interior Design

Computerized interior design is a major technological advancement for builders, developers, architects, and designers alike. Not only can computers speed things up, they can also expand their horizons by allowing architects to create forms and structures that they could not imagine to build beforehand due to issues of practicality. Computers make life easy, they reduce delays cutting the time that designers have to work on a project by half and also transmit these files electronically. A project that could have taken several weeks now can be done in just couple of days.

As a technology driven company, MAiSPACE, seeks advancement beyond today’s standards. We think ahead and break free from traditional thought. By using the latest version of AutoCAD and GIZA specifying software, our furniture plans are virtually fault free. Our AutoCAD specifying software system allows us to work in two, three, and even four dimensions. Changes in facility floor plans are made quickly and it even allows clients to decide where to put walls, furniture and appliances by moving them around to their liking directly on the screen. A great additional benefit is seeing immediate quotes on screen so you can customize based on your budget

MAiSPACE incorporates technology at every step, from design through manufacturing. This is manifested also in our office furniture that adapts to technology as it evolves. Some examples are the use of multiple levels of access to power and data in our workstation our quick change plug and play technologies to reduce down time and rewiring costs. More specifically, MAiSPACE patented standards-compliant plug-and-play zone distribution voice, data and power cabling system delivers the largest cable capacity in the industry, and is stunning in its simplicity. Cable runs are laid in behind lift-off panel segments and can be easily accessed to reduce office reconfiguration time from days to hours without disrupting the entire network.