10 Beautiful Living Room Interior Design Ideas

Beautiful Living Room Interior Design Ideas
Beautiful Living Room Interior Design Ideas

The living room is the most popular place in a house for the entertainment of guests, and where families come together to end their day, relax after a long workweek or to enjoy a television program together. In most cases this room is on the main level of a home and sees a lot of activity. This is why it is imperative that this area to be decorated and made into a friendly atmosphere to ensure the comfort of visitors. When planning a living room design, the first and most important factor to decide is the purpose of the room. One thing to remember when designing your living area is that you have to be comfortable in the room and like the style since you will most likely be spending a lot of your time in the room. Finally here are a few living room Interior design ideas that will really get you in touch with the style that you want.

Beautiful Interior Design Photography

Swedish photographer Pia Ulin clicks some delightful pictures. Her photos of surreal interiors serve not only as amazing art pieces, but also as inspiration for your own space. Whether you live in a reconverted space, or a tiny city apartment, many of her photos feature urban dwelling in small space. Her use of color contrasts sharply with stark white living spaces, but all of her photographs make amazing use of light.

Many of the spaces seem very Swedish and strongly influenced by furniture from IKEA, yet also retain a unique style and comfort with homey influences.

Browsing through her photos gives you many great ideas for your own space, whether you starting new or need to add some pop.

Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

Love architecture? Then this is a post that you are definitely going to fall head over heels for!

Foster + Partners have gone and done it again with their fantastic new architectural project called the Banyan Tree Corniche Bay which is situated in stunning Mauritius.

What the famous architect Foster wanted to create was a building that blended in seamlessly with the natural environment around it and of course in typical understated style he has achieved usurped himself yet again.

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

A look at the Foster+Partner’s website reveals exactly what the beautiful new building looks like and they have this to say about the project:

“The masterplan is for a discreet and environmentally intelligent architecture that blends harmoniously with the lush and extensive landscape. Green fingers of lush vegetation extend down towards the sea, with a series of contemporary buildings inserted amid tropical plantings to create an architecture that at once responds to the contours of the landscape and recedes into the green totality.”

The interior of the building is in a modern slightly colonial style and carries on the theme of using natural materials so it ties in exquisitely with the facade of the building.

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

Extra features include sleek plunge pools and a massive deck that lies parallel with the sea at the back and a generous veranda balcony that runs along the front.

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

Foster - Partner’s - Put Skills In Mauritius

Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen Interiors
Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen Interiors

Design Kitchen InteriorsDesign Kitchen Interiors

Although there are large variations you can watch and admire these settings, one common thing seen. Furniture and the atmosphere reminds one of the pre-modern era, without striking furniture, LCD monitor or fancy lighting. For those o you who enjoy classical furniture, we hope we've given you to feel how the kitchen can be changed. Hanging lamps and candles stand out because they saw an antique, wooden furniture with carved patterns make you think twice about the year we are in and some items seem to be the perfect decorations mixed in the overall thematic design and even increase its impact. We found this original collection of kitchen interior of Central Kitchen & Bath. All seats have an attractive metallic back and it seems there are plenty of storage space available in one unit of the closet.

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

The Canadian architectural firm of Reigo & Bauer has conceived and created a contemporary castle among the common. The unique and eye-catching design at 12 Cassels Avenue has found a perfect fit within a densely populated block of homes in Toronto’s east end. The home’s slim profile and sleek glass facade really make it stand out from the crowd, but oddly, it still fits within the grander scheme of the neighborhood. What also makes this design noteworthy is its accessibility to the everyman. With a selling price of $414,000, Reigo & Bauer’s houses are designed for an average buyer with above-average architectural appreciation. This modern home boasts a minimalist style throughout its three finished floors. This small but sweet design features two bedrooms and luxurious living spaces with a seriously spacious appearance, thanks to the architects’ efficient use of every available inch. The full-glass front and rear face of the home welcome a flood of natural light, further enhancing the feeling of spaciousness.

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common
Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common
Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common
Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common
Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common
Trends A Contemporary Castle For Common

Design interior From Inspiration 2010

Design interior From Inspiration 2010Design interior From Inspiration 2010

This Pottery Barn bedroom feels sunny with it's bold yellow walls, doesn't it? You can just tell it's SUMMER outside, too. Sigh... I thought the wall collage was interesting.

Taking a turn in decorating styles, I like this room designed by Tamara Robbins Griffith that I found at Style at Home (Photo David Bagosy). It's not sunny exactly, but it's got a cheerful vibe. I love the crisp contrast of the white against the dark walls and the bright splashes of yellow and orange. I guess I could have used this in my chevron/zigzag inspiration post as well.
Design interior From Inspiration 2010Design interior From Inspiration 2010
Happy Sunday! Tomorrow is March already. Can you believe it? That much closer to spring...

Design Superadobe earth home 2010

Design Superadobe earth home 2010

Interested in sustainable living? Take a look at the earth Superadobe home by Iranian architect, Nader Khalili. Living in a house made of earth may sound a bit off-the-grid; however, earth architecture is a proven form of sustainable living. Did you know that approximately one third of the world’s population live in earth houses ?

Earth architecture is a highly sustainable form of living; the environmentally-friendly Superadobe design uses on-site earth, which can save up to 95% of timber, allowing not only for forest products to be more wisely utilized but also resulting in fire-safe buildings. It has non-toxic interior finishes, utilizes solar and wind energy for passive cooling and heating and is highly affordable in terms of low material costs.

Design Superadobe earth home 2010

The Superadobe home is arranged as three offset vaults allowing maximum view, spaciousness, light, and interior ventilation throughout the house open plan area. The basic unit provides a 3 room, 400 square foot earth house that can be easily erected within weeks by a few unskilled laborers. The interior arches and vaults design is beautiful and unique while the house can be easily extended by adding circular dome elements to the original form.

Design Superadobe earth home 2010

A prototype 3-Vaulted house has been tested and approved for California’s severe earthquake codes and natural elements. This unique form of green building can withstand extreme climate conditions, such as freezing winters, over 100 degree F summer temperatures, flash floods and high speed winds… amazing!

Design Superadobe earth home 2010

HUB : LODHANG 0341 - 867 5949



Keamanan lingkungan dijaga sekitar 30 tenaga pengamanan yang terlatih dan menguasai lingkungan yang di bagi menjadi 3 shif.

Hunian yang nyaman

Hunian yang nyaman untuk dipilih. bebas banjir, bebas macet, bebas bising.dekat dengan blok office. diplot sebagai daerah yang mandiri. Dikelilingi oleh sekolah Negeri mulai dari SD sampai SMA. danPoltekom dan Univ. Terbuka.
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