Nursery Decor Fit For A Newborn Baby

Whenever you choose a decorating theme for your nursery, it can end up being a big deal. It's a theme and idea that you will probably be stuck with for a few years. There are many different ideas that you need to be able to contend with as you attempt to determine what to choose for when decorating for your baby. The first thing that you're probably going to question in your mind is what is the gender of the baby? Will you end up wanting to do a gender related theme for your room such as fire trucks or fairies? You might want to go with a gender-neutral theme such as Looney Tunes or Fraggle Rock in bright colors.

The life span of the theme you have picked out will probably be just as important as the gender. Will your child be happy with Looney Tunes, fire trucks, soft pinks, or baby blues when they are three or four years old? Are you planning on redoing the room as your child gets older? How often would redoing the room be considered too often for you? If you want to choose a room that has a longer life span with your child then you need to attempt to pick a less babyish or even toddler like theme. An idea of this might be the alphabet and numbers or animals.

Super heroes are a great idea for a boy's room. While a girl you can decorate up like a princess's room or even a nice beautiful garden. Both of these themes can last for a while perhaps almost until your child gets into his teen years.

You should choose a neutral color for your base of your child's room. From here you can simply add small decorations and furniture this way they can just be moved around, as your child gets older. This way you can add or remove themes without having to worry about changing the paint or wallpaper in the room.

When having a themed room you should remember to think about the following items as they will have to change and be maintained whenever you do decide to change the theme of your child's room: art of photos, nick knacks, furniture (themed or not this will have to change as your child grows), murals, wall paper, borders, paint color, and bedding.

Whether you have carpet or not on the nursery floor you can add in a nice throw rug. This is a great way to add in a splash of color, plus a nice place for your child to sit and play. Make sure that the rugs you buy are stain proof though, it's only natural that a child will spill items every once in a while.

Try these ideas when you go to decorate your newborn's nursery, you will end up saving money, and making a nice wonderful room.

Author : Barbie Watson
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